This place will be getting some very epic feature upgrades in the near future. Here's a list of them:
New text editor for seamless integration of images inline the text (videos/audio will have to remain in their own section for now)
The post creation tool as a whole will be getting a revamp anyway. Such as a post preview window as you're editing
Drafting posts (this is very important). I literally lost nearly 2,500 words from a post of mine because the old version of Gehenna's drafting logic sucked (see this post for more)
Custom branding/theming for your own pages
Custom domain support
A new book/movie categorisation section. Essentially you can post the name/cover image of a book/movie you've read/watched and (if you want) provide your thoughts about it. Think of it as a MAL for literature.
This would go on your homepage under a new tab structure (TBD)
Next.js upgrades and general tech improvements to the site (such as dynamic sitemapping, ISR and other web features)
An export feature to dump all of your data into a zip, in case you want to migrate away from Gehenna :(
Apart from that, I'll be working more on the site after I've graduated (start of July), so things will start ramping up after then. The API will also be setup to support post creation, editing, listing, selection etc. In case you ever want to build out your own UI and use Gehenna for its infrastructure.
Anyway, enjoy this pig blowing bubbles.