In the beginning were the words, and the words made the world. I am the words. The words are everything. Where the words end the world ends; you cannot go forward in an absence of space. Repeat.
Elohim, The Talos Principle
As of right now, I am transitioning Gehenna from a place for startups to share their journeys into my own personal blog. It's as simple as that, anything that I want to be publicly read or shared online will be written here.
I will extend the functionality of this site to include my own personal storage directory and other things that I want to develop, but the public side of things will only be reading posts that I make here.
I am still deciding whether I will continue offering sign-ups to Gehenna, or if it's only me that will be allowed auth, but for now it remains that you can still sign up and post here if you'd like.
But since this is a public diary of mine now, there will most certainly be more posts about different things, including other developments to projects I'm working on, start-ups or other ventures and just my own personal ramblings, so things might seem stupid or really brilliant, depending on your approach :D