If there are spelling mistakes, please note I wrote this at 11:25pm on the 31st December, 2024, with Kubrick lying on my right in my childhood bedroom.
I have omitted ~90% of the things that I wanted to discuss, purely because writing about it accomplishes nothing and I feel like those kinds of things should be written about after they've been accomplished or revealed themselves, not discussing before the fact. If you order all of my public (and private if you have access to those somehow) writings and order these writings chronologically correctly with events, you will understand what I'm talking about...
I have learned so much this year, about myself, about my capabilities and motivators. I know what I want to achieve in the coming year and the next 5 years. I think that's been made clear to me. Ever since graduating in July, things have been a bit chaotic and sporadic, between contract work (Jensen Labs), working on some scuffed projects (yes I am referring to Supacord/Supalytics) and tutoring for both semesters.
I believe that 2025 will be the year that determines whether I am capable of building an amazing start-up alongside Krebs and Brody, or if we were never cut out for this business to begin with. With NOTEX (getnotex.com) and, by extension, Pilot Discover (pilotdiscover.com) is the first time that we've entered the new year with products and not defeated looking for something to work on outside of our contracts.
Financially speaking, our revenue for Jensen is going through a drought (which I believe will get worse as we commit to working on our products). Maybe this won't continue, but I believe our revenue with NCC Navigator will come to a close in the next few months, as will our other existing jobs. I am hoping that once we commit fully and if things get desperate enough, we commit to selling as much as we can, so that we can get 2-3 clients for Pilot Discover (I think this product is the most sellable product we have right now).
I don't want to divulge too much of my thinking here, since 90% of it will be wrong or incomplete/inconsistent in a matter of months as our situation changes, both personally, financially, commercially and other factors such as our living situation, but if I am not posting here about our successes within a year of this post (so this time next year), accomplishments or our sudden move to the United States because of VC funding or a YC acceptance, then we have seriously fucked up and have been fighting the wrong battles. I can't keep doing years of this whole "suffering builds character" schtick. It's just so debilitating, but the night is darkest before the dawn.
On another note, I am so unbelievably excited for the coming of AGI. That, combined with humanoid robots and full autonomous vehicles, I believe will herald a new era of output for humans. Once AGI is around, it will be the last thing that humans really build. The rest of all of our creations will be enabled by artificial intelligence, to which I am very, very excited.
Just like last year how I posted Auld Lang Syne, this time I will 180 things and post Shadow The Hedgehog's I Am (All of Me) by Crush 40. Enjoy and here's to a prosperous, fruitful and overall memorable 2025! 🥳